SteamOS/Package Management

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A package manager is a software that manages the installation and update of other software. This is similar to the "Play Store" on Android, the "App Store" for Apple, and the "Microsoft Store" for Windows.

On SteamOS, there are 3 different package managers:

  • Steam
    • This is the same client you run on desktop versions of Steam. Steam primarily manages the installation and updates of games.
  • Discovery
    • Discovery allows you to download applications packages in the AppImage format. It does not install applications in the read-only filesystem.
  • pacman
    • Pacman allows you to install applications and other system software. It is disabled by default as it tries to install applications in read-only filesystem.

However, only Steam and Discovery are usable with factory default settings. To enable the use of pacman, you must disable the Read-only Filesystem.